Hello all, hope you're all well. Sorry if you been coming by and theres been nothing posted.
Been having quite a stressful time the past few weeks.
My partner and i have been up my parents to visit a while. We are still here. do you know why?
The Landlord has thrown us out of our place! No Notice of eviction or anything! yes we got to sign an eviction notice, which we haven't seen any let alone sign one.
Just a text, a text to say he has ended our tenancy. he says we didn't text him back before, which we have and we have evidence a text report to say he has recieved it with dates and everything.
one of the girls who live there phoned my partner to ask us where we were cos someone moved in to our room. and then another girl confirmed that.
So as for our stuff and belongings we do not know where it is. To move our stuff he has to have a court order. No sign of that either.
Since we found out we have not been in touch with the Landlord. As we're quite upset with him at the moment and don't really want to meet him ever again.
The next week after this happened (as my partner has had some work) we went to the citizens advice bureau.
Didn't have to queue as the woman at the desk said that what he done is illegal and she has given us a few leaflets and and give us a place to go to for help.
where we went for help is called Shelter. They help with people who are threatened with eviction. well bonus for us as we didn't even have a threat.
As she is only in her office twice a week. We met her on the thursday at this hall in town.
She said she is going to send a letter to the Landlord to try and get our things back.
If he doesn't give our things back, then it goes to a small claims court. But i don't want to really do that as i'm not a money grabber like Landlord is.
So i emailed her on the friday as she asked for a list f what he should have. As i don't know how specific that list supposed to be, i'm waiting for an answer.
There was bank holiday on monday, so she wasn't in on her normal day. and she is supposed to be there today, no reply for the email yet. also she has given us directions on where to go on housing lists and help etc.
At the moment, my partner is in spain with work so i let the woman know about that as well.
He should be back this weekend anyway.
oh how i hope thinsg will work out faster. at least then we know if we got our stuff back then theres one less thing to worry about and then find another place.
At least mum is having a break from my partner being around. as she does moan if we stay too long. it will give us more time to get ourselves a place.
What a nightmare this year is so far.
other than that i have been stitching here and there, but not as much as normal. Been worrying too much about things.
Oh well, send us some Good luck wishes.
Happy stitching.
oh well send us Good luck.